There is a practice in Zen Monastery. the younger monk has to go through a rule on hearing the bell sound; they should immediately wear the robes and assemble in the common hall. This is a practice in schools and factories to call for attention at the time of starting and closing of the institution. Why do you need a bell coz you need to be informed as a child, a kind of pushing to do a certain act.
If you know your inner way of knowing then the time disappears and the sound of the bell too. You know through your inner sense about the calling and never have to wait for the sound which is outside of you to instruct to get ready. An instruction from the outside will only create pressure and tension.
The bliss in you, will make you move on your own and you can feel all your senses that can make you aware of the situation happening here and as well as on the other side of the world. You are no more directed by outer sources and everything arises from your inner sources to connect to the outer world. The sound of the bell is external hence you should move beyond from the peripheral..
How can we relate this to our modern life. We know our life starts once we complete our degree and move on to a job. If you are aware of getting up in the morning on time, move into the office, completing the work on schedule without any reminder calls, emails, or messages, and also knowing your income and expenses and meeting them on time. Reaching home and spending leisure time. Taking them out without their protest and finally keeping yourself with you.. Yess! Now, there is no external Sound!!