Only If you stay inside the society
You move into a tribe, then the tribe takes over your life. It dictates how you should live and what you study. Then why? there is more confusion. Actually society lost its cream when people who lived inside tried to move out in want of freedom. They created a new society with a bit of freedom and one fine day those freedoms were not enough again they moved out of such,
If you’re a great traveler, you love to move to the East why?
People moved from East to West in want of freedom the more you travel to West and the more freedom of choice available. The first tribe slowly developed but not fast. They cannot compete with the Western People in growth. What happens when you want more and more freedom there is nothing in your life, just more confusion. Too many choices makes you mad in choosing. To move from one model phone to another and latest and within a few months another one. There is no end and slowly you understood life is a Maya. To come out of ‘Maya” you move backward to the East.
Why is love beautiful because you’re not supposed to love in society. The first freedom exercised by a tribe is love marriage. Still some parts of the countries never encourage Love-Marriage. The more you move west you can marry and divorce easily. This freedom never ensured happiness. But there is happiness in the countries who believe in arranged marriage. If you’re a rebel and a team of wise people come to you and advise you to bring you into their circle and you are never given freedom to venture a new beginning. Some tribes kill if their children marry someone from other communities. Why? If you stay and live in a circle there are so many disadvantages but one advantage is security.
Today, You check people in Social Network how they go crazy in getting likes for their post. A foolish world and no one really interested in any one but creating a Maya that someone is interested in us while liking. You blindly like your friends’ posts only to reciprocate for his. A sick world…..Right
You cannot get away from this coz you’re on the web. If you challenge yourself, just upload your latest image and discontinue your social network for a month. I guarantee you will have trauma to get back.
Yess! Life is a Maya only when you move far away in want of freedom.