My neighbor applied for his elder brother’s Death Certificate, Normal processing time was one week and he bribed and got in two days.
My friend applied for a business license, processing time minimum 1 month but bribed and he got in a week.
In other word, Corruption actually helps to speed up the process but some folks call it ‘Corruption’ is a threat to democracy and it directs the nation to move for more inequalities..
WE all voices against Corruption..
Actually we love Corruption and we participate unknowingly in all walks of life. We all are corrupted and the reflection was present in society, why? It takes two people to make love or corruption. Who is the other one? It’s we. Right
If someone says, “Eradicate Corruption..”
Reply was, “Sorry, Not possible” why? It has a deep root.

Let’s discuss
its origin. First
without knowing how you can eradicate corruption? And it’s
grown to an extent cannot be pulled out..
It all Started when our society fell into faceless society. When we moved out of the forest. We badly needed a society to safeguard from our fellow humans. We lived in a tribe and were forced to merge with another tribe to form a community. When we were as tribes we had an advantage of knowing each other well. One can know everyone in the tribe and take care of each other. But, when two or more tribes merged it became a faceless society. People who in-charge exploited other tribe members by taking advantage and gave birth to corruption. Now, the society has a lot of immigrants from other states and a corrupt officer doesn’t know who they are and he started exploiting and the result was a present position.. In short, it can be eradicated. Unless we have a mission of bringing all people to know each other closely and personally. And That’s not possible..Right. Then, here our arguments ends.,
Okay, I hear someone telling…
“Living our self good and not bribing others. Slowly the world changes.”
This is a hypocrite belief!!