Actually, you’re not weak, it is just a perception of your mind.
We never understood as humans that knowing will beat the knowledge. We always expect a lot of things from this world to go as per our perception but it will not coz the perception is conceived from the borrowed term called knowledge. The knowledge only breeds pain coz you never experienced in your life that’s why God expelled Adam. If Adam would taste the fruit from the tree of life and moved on to taste the fruit from the tree of knowledge then God would have forgiven Because The experience of life should be followed by the knowledge not should be other way. suppose you are following your life from the tree of knowledge, you fall into chaos because you are living out of knowledge not from your personal experience. Hence knowledge corrupts you, to believe without any experience.
We are flooded with a lot of knowledge in our smart mobile and we are all occupied with knowledge and forget the art of knowing that leads to the present situation of being weak. Man has never changed, he is always someone to experience and to move to learn from him in the form of knowledge. Humans never grew on this earth but other things have developed and updated regularly.
To understand better.
Bring a man from 300 BC he will understand nothing except man Why?
Man never grows or understands his life, still he has the same emotions and those are born out of knowledge not by his understanding otherwise he will not feel weak against the environment the one which he is created. Around him transport has developed from bullock carts to two wheeler to four wheeler to Railways to Airways and on and on. But the man is the same as what he was in 300 BC. He has not known anything out of his experience but only with updated knowledge from others that never enlightened his emotion.
Hence he feels weak and for this he has to blame his knowledge
To move better he should move out of borrowed knowledge to know i.e. he should undergo experiencing the basics independently and then add to his knowledge then he can feel the bliss and can come out of his weaknesses!