Should have understood the ultimate truth.
Truth is the end. The truth is not and ever a beginning. Once you know the truth of life then there is no more scope to learn it from your life. Life becomes Maya, what it means nothing is stable, once you know your life a Maya then you will not believe in anything and renounce your life and move to bliss. The whole effort of life in search of truth. If you find it then there is an end to everything.
End is a place where we stop and the world moves on but once you know your truth, your life stops there is no moving with the earth. You disappear into nothing. You become bliss and there is no male or female, no living thing or non living thing. Everything merge into one and you become one with the world.
The world is full of lies because lies give beautiful dreams to life. See stories and movies are part of lies and it is very interesting and true stories never have crisp but fiction are always beautiful. Why we are craze for movies coz they are two dimensional and give immense pleasure to us coz we know they are not true that’s why we enjoy. The directors will not enjoy his movies because he knows the truth behind his film and his tiredness in making the movie will not thrill him.
Truth is a boring concept that’s why we never encourage true people to be our manager or politicians or leaders. We want someone far away from the truth hence we can enjoy the devil in him.
There is a parable.
In reality, the hell was more interesting why? People can take drug, drink all kind of beverages, have sex 24 hours and can rape anyone and get raped by anyone and all was so fun. Devils was completely in charge of the hell and allow full freedom except when God comes for supervising.
The Devil always instructs his prisoners when God comes for supervision, you should all pretend to act as if you are suffering at least to make God and his officials happy. What happens if God comes to know the real truth of hell he may forbid everything and everybody has to behave good and may be renamed Heaven.
Hence there is no beauty in truth that’s why Man invented the concept called Society.