People always comment on you sometimes as you’re unique. The word can push you away from the crowd. The more you believe you’re unique the more you become alone. There is research, if an intelligent man lives in a group or tribe and any agreeing factor by majority will be vouched by him even though it is wrong. Why? because when you’re different and unique, you will be pushed outside the group or society.
Hence if you look back people are more like sheeps and it is best for them otherwise they will be pushed out. If you can think better and knowledge then there comes trouble for you getting isolated. Suppose you’re a good thinker if you present a unique idea to the world, it will not be accepted even when you have real experience on hand. Most of the philosophers are not accepted in their times only after their death that too after a few centuries. The crowd takes more time to understand, hence if you’re smart maybe they will accept only on your absence or in crises.
Unique is a dirty word to get as a medal in anybody’s life. Once the world comes to know that you’re unique they move away from you and make you feel guilty that you didn’t have something to get along with, hence you will be alone. I know most people cry for their aloneness due to their intelligent quality. People are afraid and feel guilt when they are with them because they do not match their intelligence. That’s why a good scholar has to do a silly act to bring him down and to get accepted by the society.