There is always an incapacity present in the society to protect the protector.
We need police in the state of crime and we want them to rescue but who protect them in terms of the same crises. Society never has any answers. You have an army to protect from your enemies but who is to protect soldiers when they are at war.
Protector is a very tough job like a businessman. Business man first earns for the overhead before he sees any profit and the same way the protector has to protect the nation before protecting himself. Everything comes second for the protector. We always complain about the police for not carrying out their job on time because they are too afraid of certain situations. They know their government can give medals to their family after their death and move on and his family only be the loser.
If you ever read the story of a protector they would have died young. Why?
A Protector unlike Hero doesn’t have their own path but their life starts like a new pack of cards and the government starts shuffling by transferring here and there. The well shuffled cards are nothing but chaos and the same way the protector life becomes and they die in transit for their nation.