Why is Buddha’s story tremendously beautiful?
We all know the good story means it has to appear factual to a certain point and then it should fall into the mythological. The mythological is also factual once you raise above by renouncing mind called enlightenment. It is a stage of understanding the truth behind truth.
When you go through the story, you will be shocked why the role of charioteer was forgotten. Actually he is one who introduced Siddartha as Buddha to this world. When Siddartha is traveling in a Golden chariot suddenly he sees people like sick, aged, dead and sage on the road. The charioteer is nothing but behaving like a Serpent (more like a serpent in Genesis) he reveals the secret of life. He is the truth and he is more than the Buddha. He is the one who pushed Buddha out of the nest.
The Charioteer gave a beautiful message to Buddha, That everybody carries sickness in the form of weakness. Sometimes the weakness that you are carrying gets supported from the outside as an information then something explodes in you called awareness.
Why is Buddha so famous because people from all around the world come as tourists to see his wonderful palace but he is the only man who went out of such a palace.
Why he left the palace because the palace was giving only happiness but he wanted to explore the other side of life called pain. Buddha did not renounce his palace but actually he escaped from the illusion, understanding that the palace was nothing but a golden prison.
The whole journey on that day gave another piece of wisdom, the crowded street always hides the sick, old, dead and sage but the empty street exposes the Cracks..
Here the Charioteer taking the role of God, he pushed Buddha out of his palace as like Adam got pushed out of Eden.
Yess, Even a hero needed a push!