There is an invisible web, we all caught in the name of society. You cannot break the structure of the society and elope or escape from it.
When a woman (famous actress) who wants to elope with an actor and works against her own Studio owned by her and husband will definitely fall into chaos.
When you start to live inside the society you become a hero to someone and villain to some others. These roles will bring you happiness and sorrows into your life accordingly. You cannot escape from such karmas.
To whom you marry and what kind of profession you undertake are decided by society. Depending on your deep interest it will pave you a way to achieve with some evil. That is part and parcel of this society.
Whether you are a common man or celebrity, you have to undergo day to day trouble and it may differ according to your form of life. If you live in a higher form of life, you encounter a higher form of problem. Like a student who studies calculus in a higher class…