Why are men afraid of women after marriage?
A Man cannot speak like a male to his wife.
He has to bring his inner-feminine-out to speak to her and the same happens for the wife too, she will bring her inner masculine to speak to her husband. Slowly, husband uses his feminine and wife uses her masculine. The husband and wife interchange in archetype. Wife dominates the husband in the family…
Why Male threshold less than the female in violence?
The Masculine is deeply hidden in women. IF you hurt a woman she never rebels immediately but it takes little time for her to gain her masculine. then everyone knows…
In fairy tales a kiss transforms a frog into a prince. Here the kiss is conscious. IF a woman kisses a man he becomes conscious and suddenly he feels related to the outer world through women. A kiss is a symbol of love. When someone loves you, you feel elevated. That elevation can bring you an experience that you are going to rule this world in future.
First stage is Prince and the second stage is King. If you feel after the kiss that you are going to rule the world, you mean future king and before king you are the prince. This feeling was given by a woman.
Why does a woman need a permanent house after marriage?
She knows better about the structure of the world and structure of life. A movable family will not produce stability to the family. She needs a home where she can establish the structure of her family. Stay in one place like a tree grows and branches out.
Women read clues better than men.
IF you ask a woman to choose a road side chat shop. She can choose and take you to the best shop.. How? I have a friend who asked her to choose the best chat shop. She went into a few shops and came out and took me to one shop. We all enjoyed it and asked how?. She said, “This is the only shop in which all eaten plates are empty and no left over….