Exploring meaning of life is a long journey or its so simple if you come to know the simple method of experiencing
This book starts like kinder garden school syllabus and relating with this world and Kosmos with “I, We, It”and slowly supply you modules. And an awareness created how these modules are merge automatically and create the awareness “I amness”
This “I amness” was a universal presentation in everybody includes past, present and future Soul of all and it includes living and non living thing. We present in every body and experience universally… If you aware “I amness”.
A beautiful attempt to explain we share “I amness” with the world and once you aware, you can experience the world and relate to every one. It’s like a aura..
Sometimes some books can hold your hand and take you to the entrance of the destination and this one.
This book help by all means to understand you and we and it