If you are a freelancer and you started to read this book, you will have a shock to find that freelancing has a different structure of business and it is totally different from the other forms of business.
In freelancing you cannot apply the strategies of other model of business coz it has its own rules and regulations
You will come to know
Your name is the capital of your business.
Your quality of work will stand as a standing billboard, advertising for your future business.
You enjoy freedom of working, author helps how to use such freedom in utmost efficiency.
When to join with other freelancers and how to manage such a business.
Last and important
How to price your work whether it’s fixed for everyone or different pricing. Author gives you a lot of tips and also how to manage your earnings…
A Mini Bible for freelancers, it is too detailed but still the art of presentation was so beautiful
The summary of every chapter helps to remember that chapter with utmost clarity.
Every freelancer should read this book not only to improve business but to understand the real structure of freelancing…