There is no concept called happiness. Everyone chasing this concept will definitely be a loser coz when you try to escape from unhappiness it will follow you, end-up either failing to reach you or it catches you strong with new one.
Three women were caught in the web of Indian culture and trying to get out by travelling thinking that’s the only way to breathe freedom, but their problems followed them unconsciously (except the old lady).
She lives in the present because she has no future due to her illness and ageing.
Life always gives plenty of opportunities but our culture makes us concentrate to travel in a straight line. How you breach is your talent and how you come back is challenging. First they breach their boundaries is the cream of this web-series but whether they landed back safely, only time will tell.
Hence the climax has to be fantastic!
The dialogue was the best in this series, definitely mind blowing.
The actress Lakshmi was exhibiting the present day Grandma and, she is the one driving the story and Madhubala acted or whether she became a real housewife struggling to break the chain of old customs with subtlety. And
The last character is Sandya who has done her role precisely and maturely, her dialogue to be watched throughout coz it’s healthy and awesome.
Everyone who watches from India will connect, hence it is not entertainment but Indian women’s life.