The flaw in the mechanism of death. For birth, a man has to wait for 9 plus months but death happens in a matter of seconds.
Why don’t we all be programmed to follow a period in reaching death.
In Simple,
That humans cannot take their life just like that and there is a mandatory period he has to undergo before he enters death.
The victims may be good or bad? Why we let them down, Why there is no one to hear their pain. The victim never dies like that but they would have given a lot of symptoms before they made an attempt. Why we are so dumb, Where we lost ourself in the process of life.
Every birth gives a lot of pain to the mother and 9 month is a very long period for a woman to carry a child and she gives her heart and soul for bringing the child to this world. She lost entire freedom of movement and so much sacrifice for just bringing a child to the society. We all know, you need a village to bring a child..
Why do we forget who we were to others in terms of society.
The victim would have lived under two valued orientations of Good and Bad. First, If the victim is bad he would have suffered severe pain and would have moved into being Good or vice versa. If both the places brought severe pain then they would have decided, it is better to move out of the body..
The whole problem in Suicide, the victims is made to think that their body is the problem for whole happening. How can a vessel be cursed of reaching a wrong destination. It is the victim, not his body.
It is the person in the body and his style of living, was the whole cause of trouble. A mere understanding of this is enough to move out of the act called suicide.
You are waiting a long period to get conceived and to get out from the mother womb and you have so much responsibility to reciprocate your duties to this world. Some idiot preached and segregated that some happening is good and some are bad. Pregnancy is pain then will you call it as bad. Height of stupidity…Right.
The society was concentrating on growth. It never consolidated the growth and failed to see whether their citizens are following it or not. Take an example of Credit Cards, 90% of the citizens never know how to use coz it is never in the primitive or thinking brain. Everyone is given without proper knowledge. Hence the whole society is in mess.
We brought junk foods without proper knowledge to the eater, how to digest it after eating. You eat and eat and become sick and die. All your wealth is temporary including your bank account and this society wanted it back in the name of medical expenses,
Suicide is an misunderstood activity, you need to include in the school subject to understand before you ever thought to use against you..