The structure is the main concept of the society. To understand society, you should understand the structure of the society. Example: In race only the first three people are awarded. Even though the last man completes the final lap. Hence the society teaches to be there in the first three places to be rewarded and even worse was the people of the society only remember the first winner. And a little consolation, the same society will also reward the last one (If he is lucky) in the long run.. In Office, like a race the first will be posted as a manager and the last and least also became a manager during retirement time due to his experiences.
Why did the structure come into place? Because once humans moved into civilization. Society is filled with a lot of challenges. How to facilitate the fittest of the society? Entire system was rearranged for the first few and asked people to compete to the top. This system takes care of the entire population to fit into the structure of the society.
If a man was really to fit into the race for the top, he should do proper education and learn the etiquette of the society to survive. Every day challenges are nothing but hunting the prey for survival. He should consciously program and reprogram according to the challenge he faces in society. Society teaches. If you want to live a peaceful life, work and work, earn money, pay taxes and live quietly. You will not be disturbed. If you show your luxury i.e. indecent display of luxury you will be disturbed by anti-social elements who may exploit you. Living quietly is one of the principles of structure of the society.
The Hero, one of the concepts of society to challenge the atrocity of the leader or against his policies. Here, you should revisit what you learned in schools. The real truth about the hero was his short lived life. Society eliminates the revolutionist once the revolution ends. The leader will be shot dead or asked to leave the ground. The people are not grateful in the long run. If the leader was continuing as a hero then some mass of people exploited him in the name of the Political Party or made him God by starting a Religion. This is one of the principles to be learned to become a hero and preparing for further pathetic consequences.
Every day, the Society teaches us. The problems we pronounce are nothing but non-understanding of the situation given to us. The people who are better in decision making are the one who have mastered the structure of society. To know better, for example we always blame the result and not the process coz whenever we start a project, we never aware of the outcome, there is no way of knowing the end and, there is no way you will be known that you started a good or bad process, this is also an evil of structure of society to make us move ahead without knowing the process of end result. Why? The hope is the root which nourishes society. Taking a home loan for 30 years period and not knowing our status for next year/ next month/ next day ahead. Here the society walks in and gives you a concept called “Hope” to continue.
The structure of the society was so wide and cannot fit in the entire library but easily understood by problem which we encountered day to day. If you are good at solving problems means you learned and mastered the structure of the Society.