when the shoe fits, the shop is forgotten.
Shoes can express our present position, Bad looking shoes express economic condition and unpolished shoes about our employment. The wear and tear of the shoe was proportionate to our confidence in life. If confidence is high you walk straight and if you are depressed your shoe dragged your weight and spoils the shape. Even the heaviness of the shoe was proportionate to one character and job.
The Shoes behave like a raincoat during rain and protect heat during Sunny days. For a corporate man the shoe stands as an added prestige in meetings. When you’re walking on a hard surface, it protects you as a security against metal from getting injured.
During the rainy season, it acts like a stick on a skidding surface. At home, it serves as an indicator whether you are in or out. It’s more like a medal for us when we move with a polished one. It serves as an umbrella to our feet and helps to keep hygiene on dirty roads. The shoe will slowly become a character of you.
I have seen people who walk without shoes on the road and are aware about the uniqueness of the feet. Our feet never go wear and tear but shoes have changed many..