Seminars/Motivation – Waste

If you go to a self-help seminar or motivation workshop, you find that you have understood everything well,
but as soon as you’re out of the room. You forget everything and go back to square one.

What happens in the classroom is you all are falling into the concept called “Collective Unconscious”.
It means all of the participants fall into a single mind. Every single participant in the classroom looks they have understood, but it is just an illusion that we all understood, Actually what happened was, if someone understood in the room it makes it as if all of us understood Why? coz we are connected to a single mind. The connection of ‘the single mind concept’ was created to safeguard from predators, when we are tribes we want our leader to think and we just connect to his idea and we never interpret…

We all know our memory is not in our brain, it is above us in the universal memory. The brain is just a connector with sensors to retrieve from the universal memory. It means, all our happenings are recorded in the universal memories and you can retrieve anybody’s memory, if you have the skill.

We all would have experienced in the ‘Examination Hall’ when we forget the answer to a question, which we damn sure we know, we will look at the roof coz unconsciously we know our memory above us. We always have a ring of memory above our head connecting to universal memory.
This is what happens, when we are in the seminars we are all connected to a single memory gives a feeling that we have understood and later we forget the entire happening and you know why?

Our Mind requires 48 days of practice to fall from conscious mind to subconscious mind,
Subconscious is the place where you store your permanent memories like Bike and Car Driving, Swimming, learning music instruments etc..
Once it falls into the subconscious mind you never forget. And the same here, If you tend to follow what they said in seminars and practice for 48 days. You really store it in the permanent memory and excel in the skill.
If you’re not sure how to practice for 48 days, please do not try any of the seminars/motivation workshops because it is utter waste.