Some watching us
Some helping us
Some punishing us
We always stay partly dressed even when we are alone. We never stay nude at home because we believe someone is watching our behaviour. We are told some spirits are with us as soon as we are born. They are watching us, just watching alone is enough to keep us in discipline. We are aware, when we are out of our house, neatly dressed and display best behaviour. Why? We are told there are good spirits among us and they see good happen to you when you do good and bad is happening to you when you do bad.
I have sent a lot of customer project proposals to Bankers and experienced some proposals fall short of norms but got sanctioned.
Is there someone watching and helping my customer proposal. Whether his family spirit or community spirit takes care of their personal requirements. I even went ahead after a year about how they allowed such a proposal to the credit officer. He said there is always a feel when you open a new proposal for appraisal. Sometimes a good feeling takes over and directs me to notice all positive points in the proposal. Tricky Right.
Sometimes we are punished for nothing. What would have happened is we would have done bad unknowingly but later there will be an effect. Someone from nowhere will disturb and create a problem or reject us. When you feel why something bad is happening to you when you are so good to the current environment. It may be the watcher would have posted our mistake to the punisher in some form, maybe our face could be communicating, “I’m bad and please punish me”. I had few experiences when I sat alone to chew why? something bad happened even when I have not done anything bad to that situation. We don’t know but something is happening around us as soon as we are born. Someone following us, watching and communicating to our helper and punisher.
If we are true to ourselves even when no one is around then we are blessed and never bother about the outcome.