We never know what we are transmitting in our behaviour. People who think they are brave but they actually transmit cowardliness unconsciously. A Con-person was the person who was good at learning your subconscious behaviour. He moves you to show the invisible door to reach your unfulfilled desire.
Suppose you want to become rich, he knows your wishes and he drags you to your known environment and tells you about invisible doors, where you can make more money. They never bring new instruments to cheat you, but they take you to your familiar knowledge zone and teach you to invest in order to make short money. Initially you are made to cheat yourself, by earning money through that instrument. The stake will rise every time and your earning is equallantly good. This stage you believe him because he makes you feel that earning is your sheer knowledge and nothing else. Finally, you lose yourself to you. Then he will exit and make you fool.
A sexual maniac will appear in the social network as if he was a family man. He talks more about his family and he may look like a fool sometimes to make her feel she was better than him. Most of the time he may deny the dating by telling his family commitment. He knows, the more he avoids, the more the girl feels safe. One fine day he takes her to a place where there is no one and he behaves normally and brings her back untouched. Then the day comes he shows his character and abuses her. She never would have thought the kind of abuse and it is very difficult to come back. Why?
He will abuse in a way she never knew she was abused. The first sexual act would have made her cautious but she went in spite of her caution. He gives new meaning to her body and he explores the hidden happiness in her. Here, her body takes over the mind and he will abuse her knowing that one day she will leave him but she will come back to him at his will. Unknowingly people love sex maniacs coz they know the real depth of sex and where to open and stimulate and keep them happy all the time.
Con-persons have a unique talent of identifying people’s subconscious desires. Here what we all should learn is that a man who is good at one thing will practice to enjoy endlessly and the same is here a con-person will do the same act to excel his talent in a different style without getting caught. In sexual abuse the victim loves him and never complain.
Hence it is not a con person fault, it is we..