Scene is a man’s way of attracting another man.
Scene is a man made environment to cheat and exploit fellow humans. You go to a 5 Star hotel. The ambiance is the scene is created to attract Rich to feel like heaven. People who own 5star hotels never feel the luxury in their scene.
A Living Room in the home is a good scene to show to our visitors that we are living in luxury and in great style.
Man learned to lure customers by creating a scene to make it real.
You would have watched the TV Quiz programme and enjoyed it but if you are part of the program you know the Question and Answer was supplied advance to their participants and already rehearsed a few times to look the scene more perfect and true.
Every activity of the society is well made scenes. Nothing is real except you. If you walk into the office atmosphere You unknowingly look decent because we are told to act as if we are professionals. You are trained how to behave in front of the customer. What it means that you’re programmed as an actor in front of your customer to fool them that we are all professionals.
Simple, The more professional the organisation is the more fake and every activity is programmed to look perfect, hence people who walk in believe and do business with them. Example, the best waiter was the best actor in the restaurant scene. The best bellboy was the best actor displaying humbleness and so on.
We are trapped in. Society wants everybody to be an actor for their scene to deliver perfectly. Hence every time you go out you are part of the scene and the whole world acts in front of you to create a good scene in order you to believe that you are living in a wonderful world.