If you really watch people taking on a new relationship, project, assignment by very well knowing that they can face problems in the process.
When someone asks, “how do they feel?
They’re going to say, “it’s complicated”.
This complication which is present in the process of the new relationship or project actually attracts them to take it. We are always attracted to something we hate. Actually we invite complication in order to feel the real self. But when people ask, we tell them lies and reply to them, “It’s complicated”. Some people love to live with complications and they hate smooth life.
You know politicians in elections make a promise that they can eradicate corruption. Actually they very well know they cannot eradicate corruption, the whole structure of politics is attractive because of corruption. If you remove corruption from politics, immediately politics collapse. Corruption is the only base and basis for the formation of any political parties.
Whenever we enter the Election Booth.
Let politicians be corrupt if it is not bothering us in everyday life was our only motto,
We love to live happily, how you measure happiness…think
The happiness that we consider should produce Guilt in us. If your happiness never produces guilt then it is not happiness. You bought a new villa, only to see your relatives feel jealous. Once they feel jealous it will create a guilt in you because they cannot afford such a house. Now, they are feeling jealous and you feeling guilt equals happiness.