What is direct? The real process is your experience on your assignment is called direct.
The plan always takes into account certain direct and related objects in decision making but in reality, the object even though they are independent and not connected but they are still connected with other objects in an indirect way. Hence their influences will make your plan fail.
There is a saying; the Military Commander says that no battle plan survives on the first encounter of enemies. Why? Every plan has been devised by taking into those objects directly affecting the war. Hence some objects even though they are independent and silent will influence indirectly to destroy our well devised battle plan.The whole beauty of some idiot leader will devise Plan A and Plan B. In such a case whenever you’re told Plan B then the whole planning will collapse because the Leader who does not understand the real position of crises only will bring in two or more plans. The whole episode of designing few plan are the symptoms of an incompetent leader. Hence it should be believed that you should have a single bullet for a single enemy. If you going to use few bullets for single enemy then you skill is questionable as same as having few plans for single assignment
Why do you need a plan, why not ask your cadres to use intelligence depending on the circumstance they face because we still hold old philosophical ways of decision making. In those days there is no communicating device to alter the decision making, hence they are handed over a few plans to operate accordingly, and hence the leader who sits somewhere can assume the functioning of the cadre. Nowadays you are having a communication device for every individual to operate on their own and can communicate at will hence they take decisions accordingly and update you.
Hence in today’s world, if a leader has no plan is the good plan.