Phallus, it is about male organ. a symbol of god to him. The phallus was his strength and weakness. Male are affected with a lot of worries and if closely watched, it will lead to erectile dysfunction called impotence. The phallus plays an important role in men’s success. The male organ should always be concealed in front of society and its operation too. But no one knows the phallus got its own brain to function and follow its own ethics.
Every male would have experienced the phallus will not obey the ego order. A man who is loyal to his wife may not command his phallus to perform utmost efficiency because phallus has its own rule of erection. it doesn’t know loyalty to the man’s wife that’s why it will perform better in affairs.
Men are never allowed to touch and play in front of anybody because we are religiously prohibited. We are told to hide our phallus and this suppression was unconsciously displayed in the form of male jewels like Car, Mobile, Pen..etc etc. The thing men use displays the power of his penis. The costly car shows his strong phallus and can accommodate more females on his bed.
Men are forced to earn more money due to his strong phallus. The reason is his phallus unconsciously stimulates him to earn more money to show to the world of his potent… Men always believe in their phallus and its performance irrespective of his age
A ninety five years old man got married to a 22 years old girl. After a few months he went to his doctor and was told, “she was pregnant and he is the father of that child.”
The Doctor was tired, looked at him and told an incident. There was a hunter who started to go hunting but by mistake, he rather took his umbrella instead of his Gun and went to the forest. He saw a Lion approaching him to kill. He suddenly took his umbrella and shot the Lion and killed…
the old man interrupted and said, “How is it possible Doc? Somebody would have shot..”
The Doctor replied, ” that’s what I’m saying to you..”
Women have twin problems in terms of dealing with men. She has to deal with him and also with his phallus. She has to maintain proper boundaries and measure her words in communications. It is a tough and tiring job. Hence, she always has consciousness about him and his phallus in the back of her mind.
A business man had a problem in getting a personal secretary and he also came to know the present salary demanded by the personal secretary is 25K.
An interview
Businessman told the candidate, “she was smart and knowledgeable and asked her about Salary expectations?”
She replied, “Minimum 20K”
Businessman was very happy because it was below his budget, he immediately, “okay, agreed, with pleasure!”
She responded “No..No..No, If its with pleasure then 35K”
This shows the whole nature of the archetype of man was misunderstood by the world.