We are using patterns to understand the world. There is no pattern in pattern in the beginning. But once you understand the pattern which will lead you to the truth. The patterns are nothing but a signal to us. Once the society was careless to the pickpockets then it leads to gangsters and finally mafia. The small crime is the symptom for the bigger one. When we get cheated by a small amount, the time is not far off we are going to get swindled by bigger crimes.
We can see patterns in all our activities. Once you understand the pattern you are going to repeat it because it is going to fall into superstition. The patterns are more helpful in the short run and it may ruin you in the longer-run. The pattern is part of understanding the chaos. The chaos is nothing but a stage before correction. The chaos too would have signals in the form of a pattern that is something good going to appear in future.
If you are not able to pay your credit cards then that is a signal for a new pattern telling you may fall into a debt trap. By applying more credit to clear or consolidate existing credit, these are hidden patterns telling you that you may walkin in the bigger trap where there is no way of coming back. If someone says borrowing a bigger loan to clear a smaller loan then there is a new pattern emerging to signalling him, he may fall into the death trap called debts soon.
When you are struggling to pay your commitments, suddenly for the past few months, you are not struggling. It is a new pattern forming that you are going to become rich sooner or later because your present style of working is falling into a positive pattern.
Watch your pattern, they constantly send signals to you, whether you’re in positive or negative mode.