What is the Party?
and Why?
It should have started an informal way in the tribe to check who is alive and how everybody is doing. I have seen in party women wear costly jewellery and a new dress.What does it means its one way of communicating your husband or family richness. In those days, there was no social network to know what others are doing and how they are living, especially their standard of life. The woman of the family makes an ugly display of money in celebration and tells the world she is being rich and so and so. We all come to know the missing people in the party and know the status of other families about the standard of living. It’s like a place where you match your life with others and take down your standard with others.
Why food is wasted in the party, It’s one way of telling the world we have surplus food. In the ancient world, food was scarce and more battles were fought to control the cultivating land. People died on famine and this information hurt us and stays in the back of our mind. When you waste food in the party, it psychologically makes you strong enough that you have overcome the basic struggle of humans.
The host equally feels like a ruler in the party. They display extraordinary kindness and generosity and only match with the so called Kings and Queens. A time to rule the guest with love and affection. They feel elevated once the guest told them they never had such a treat anywhere in their life. Why?
If you fail to comment, then you’re never called for the next party. The manner of appreciation is as default in smart guests. The host sometimes gives a gift at the end of the party in order to remember their party, to stay as memento in every guest house. In those days there is no camera and only through gifts people remember others occasions
We host a party to spend lavishly and
We love to be called as a rational animal..
The party gave birth to the concept of ‘Gaze’. you can see pretty girls and women. Our eyes can select the best fertile partner in the party. We don’t know how we choose our partner but we know that you know she is yours.
What is a gaze?
it’s not you staring at the others,
It is not you looking at her again and again..
You’re attracted to her only because she was initiating her to be seen…
A Rule”It is always the object which initiates the second gaze and not the subject.”