Had he known what fire was,
He could have cooked his rice much sooner.
This was a common behaviour to people who lived inside the society..
In society nothing lives inside of you. Here in this world, to understand the concept of society is to live outside and if you want to search for happiness it is only available outside. Society is a concept, once you decide to enter society then the society teaches you that the happiness lies outside in Travel, Luxury house, luxury Car, luxury hotels and restaurants.etc. Only a wise man knows the happiness lives inside but if you watch the wise man he actually lives outside the concept of society.
Society directs people to look for happiness outside but you can talk about happiness lives inside but actually it lives outside in all the functions of the society. If you sit and ask yourself what is available inside of you actually nothing. Even love needs a person to experience love because a peripheral is needed to connect your inner love. Without a lover you cannot experience love. When no lover is available then religion comes in handy because you can love God. Being too religious is nothing but you don’t have anyone to love hence you prefer your god.
Only the wise men know happiness is available abundantly inside but it is not easy to find happiness inside of everyone.
The pattern of the society is only to look things outside.
Hence, staying inside the society and talking about inner happiness is foolish and absurd.