Why do I Like her?
her image resembles
one of my close associates or
one of my relatives or friends or
was like my dream heroine…
Why did I Propose her?
coz she matches
the matching come out of my projection
the projection came out of my Inner woman
it comprises of part of dream woman and mostly of my mom
Why Do I Fear her?
when I was close with her
her reality doesn’t match with my projection
the same is the case for her
we understood our reality mismatch our projection
Why did I move to Divorce or continue my life ?
When projection not met
absence of children’s means this is the stage we depart in the name of Divorce
If we have children, they become a thread or bondage to continue..
Now, our reality becomes real and slowly we alter our projections
the alteration continues to happens, till the child take our place
and gradually we lose our identities..
Why I Revenge?
When the children grew and move out
our projection slowly loses our alteration
and the thread became weak
this stage, strong heart look for Affair
again affair was not the solution. Finally, live in despair
Why do I continue?
weak heart continue with the same partner
Now we feel it’s too late to regain our self
and experience ‘a kind of Death‘
Both bring our true reality and revenge like
small fight, small torture, small separation
was done more carefully by holding the thread
that goes on till death
This way of living is called as “life“
by our forefathers, I too believe
as an hypocrite…