It’s more about knowing negative and prepared to face such consequences under optimism.
Be an optimist and there are so many quotes about optimism and there is a famous concept called ‘optimum bias’. We are told to think positively on our assignment. That is great what happens if chaos comes in between. Being optimist alone cannot take you beyond but anticipating such chaos and preparing to solve as and when it appears is the real structure of optimism.
If you chart out a plan taking pessimism into account under the optimism can bring great smoothness in achieving your assignment. Taking pessimism into account while devising a plan called optimism. Optimism always has pessimism in its shadow otherwise there is no need to specify about optimism.
When pessimism disappears the optimism also disappears. One cannot present without the other. If someone tells you to be optimistic then you are surrounded by pessimism and you have to be careful to overcome.
Optimism, ambition, and goal are corrupted words used by corporations to exploit the employee. If Corporates threaten you to put more effort. Those threats will not work because exploitation will do no good to employees and employees lose morale in the longer run.
Suppose if they add the cream word like ambition, optimism, goal etc then the exploitation is done without the knowledge of you and you will work to complete without the employer exploitation. We are all exploited by the corporate unknowingly by awarding these words to do our job and making us fool to earn those words as our symbols.
Yess, we are called as an optimist in front of the crowd to make us believe and try to be their goats.