There is no you in you either.
An evening, I met a gentleman while walking along the park. A conversation with a stranger. I realized there is no me in me and there is no he in him. Both could follow our thoughts, both could feel the incident we discussed.
How come?
My experience and his experience is experienced by both. Then, How could I feel that I am thinking and how could I feel that I am feeling then I’m not who I am. I can stand as a witness but even witnessing my witness. Then who am I?
I am a driver of my body. To feel my thoughts and to feel my feelings. I was able to come out of me to advise me what I did wrong, then those times who is driving me. If it is me then how come I feel that what I did was wrong. Maybe some agents act instinctively on those moments.
Some night before I go to sleep. I may curse myself why I acted even though I don’t want to. Why do we hurt someone we love, who is there inside of us when we do such an act.
Whether her haters, their soul enters in us to hurt her so badly.
whether we also enter in someone’s body for a few minutes to do some act otherwise how come we do some good or bad act without our knowledge. Is someone entering in us to do bad by hijacking our soul. How can I spill my coffee on my new dress even though I was more careful while drinking. How do drivers press the accelerator more when a victim comes in between their path. How? How?
There are some strange things that happen. How semen with life knows to swim enters from male to female body and develops as a child. It may be a direct way of entering life from one to another.
Then, there should also be an indirect way of entering in others’ bodies to do certain acts without their consent.
After the incident we can recollect that someone in us did that act and lead us to chaos. Is it that, we are always interchanging in other bodies to carry out the agents order..