We humans always struggle in our life, choosing career over simple life because we are programmed by society to achieve more, spend more for the smooth functioning of the society
We humans make decisions, full of errors and we always make the opposite decision, thinking that it will be good for others. Especially when it comes to love we see other happiness more important to us and leave our wishes to be the last.
What happens when you get separated. Cosmos sends (in some cases) one person to correct your life. Explain and help you to go back to your goody ‘ex’ to renew your relationship.
Your friend is replaced by a Superintelligence to help to correct your life.
Awesome right.
We are bored seeing Films where people help each other to understand complex life and make our life perfect.
Here Superintelligence comes to you to correct your life, and teaches you where you go wrong in your life. The conversation between the chosen Miss Carol and the superintelligence is more genuine (advice) for the man to understand the relationship and where we make wrong decisions thinking it is good for others.
The real awesome was….. you are into emotional mode after twenty minutes of the movie and till the end but
the climax was subtle.
Don’t see it at Scientific Movie but see it as an ever told love story through different lens.