When a man falls in love, he will be endlessly flirting with that woman, he gets her whatever she wants and he piles up endless love. The woman believes her man to be true but after marriage he disappoints …Why?
Actually in love, First time man gets connected to his inner woman called anima. The experience she gave inside whenever he was around his girlfriend was ecstasy. An kind of orgasm to man suddenly makes his life look meaningful. the lover, his outer woman helps him to connect his inner woman and so much joy.
He does everything to an outer woman in order to stay in connection with the inner woman. The expenditure he makes to his girlfriend actually he is doing to an inner woman. He literally behaves mad to his outer woman by showing crazy expenditure only to prove his love because the outer woman helps him to connect with his inner woman and would have given an immense happiness he never had.
Once married to the outer woman. The wife becomes more worried about her security and safety not love.
Hence he slowly moves out of her. But how he is still inside the marriage may be only because of children.
Men never wanted women in his life. That’s why he was into relations with the same sex called home sexual. He didn’t want a woman, when he understood another friend of his, able to connect his inner woman. In same sex marriage one will chose to be husband and another to be wife. The more masculine will take the role of husband and the more feminine will become wife. Once they start living they are never attracted to other women. The whole structure of male in love is only to connect to his inner woman.
Why he grows a beard during failure in love coz the particular girlfriend has an exact archetype of his inner woman. He would have chosen her one in a thousand and now he strongly believes there is no one around his circle to connect his inner woman. If his specification is much less for his inner woman, he immediately switches over to another woman as if nothing happened in the love failure.
Love would have coined after society is created. The law of the society suppressed the men and seeing to it, that he never connects to his inner woman directly. The whole structure of men in society is made to think that by doing creative things for the growth of the society by achieving so called status. He can easily connect to a woman outside by doing so he can connect to his inner woman.
Have you seen a sage, why he was always alone, he knows the technique of how to connect to his inner woman. He lives happily with an inner woman and can have orgasms in his sleep. Hence he moved away from the world which was created by men for women to convince her in the form of love to connect with his inner woman.
Love doesn’t have meaning and never and it is used only to connect his inner woman and not outer..
My reader’s would agree with this madness!