The moment we identified a hero, when he decided not to fight against evil,
which means he has to die in this life in order to take another life to do the requisite work….Right
That’s what happened to our hero. He dies in hospital in order to resurrect as a vera…
Once the society selects a hero, it will see-to-it that he never gets into normal life coz if he is… the structure of society will collapse.
(that’s why the concept of Heroine does not arise and even if it is included in the name of a talented actress will-go-unnoticed)
Every hero if you watch will die young. (That may be one of the reasons in ancient days the soldiers get married in their teens because they will never reach the adult stage…)
Normally, the hero gets encouragement from external sources or
if there are no external sources then nature makes an alternative arrangement by entering in the hero mind as an inner voice to guide him for the correction of the society.
Coming to Climax
When the hero stops listening to his inner guiding voice and moves to his impulsive behavior then the waiting death arrives immediately. But..
Here on this film,
On Climax he stops listening to his inner voice move towards villain gangs just to show his heroism but there he should have been killed but for the audience’s sake he dies in the collapsible building for a logical reason.
Siva Karthikeyan stands to be the real hero in reel hero.
His mother Sarita displays masculinity throughout the film because her husband died for a good cause and she has to play the husband role also….
if you watch closely in some scenes Sarita will behave like a male…
And other Characters are just fillers…
Fantastic movie!