A Golden Rule of the society. Generally, it is easy to love anyone other than your neighbour. why?
Does the neighbour mean trouble? No, the nature of people is always troubling when they bump into each other and we move out of them like moving away from our enemy. But here you cannot move because he will stay right next to you. Everyday he will invite trouble and it goes endless.
The structure of society stresses the toleration with your neighbour coz the society cannot be formed without a neighbour. Why? You need a neighbour to know the situation of the world and also know about your safety and security, It starts with when the power goes off instead of calling the Electricity Board, you check with the neighbour and every news can be collected and shared through them. If they are safe then you are safe and vice versa.
The neighbour will not only display rational behavior but also irrational behavior. They are more like brothers or sisters walking in times of crises. You would have experienced that any incident happens on the street, immediately the neighbour walks in to check and solve it. We cannot have police for every house but good relationships with neighbours make us safer..
When humans invented the concept of tribe, it gave birth to the concept of neighbours. living along can protect and be protected. The funny thing is that your neighbour’s wife is always beautiful. It will lead to a feeling of envy and he will be jealous.. If your neighbourhood is good then the environment will also be good. There is a saying ” It is not the man is the product of environment actually the environment is the product of man”