I have found a lot of inventions coming from the Lab
What is a lab? a place where people show discipline in their profession to connect the lost world.
People show utmost discipline in connecting to the lost world and retrieve ideas and practice, then convert the procedure into an arithmetic formula and gain a Nobel Prize..
There is no such thing as invention in this world. We are extensions of a lost well developed world. and the concept of Lab is the place where we use our discipline to connect to the lost world and in order to retrieve it from.
You are not alone and you are the universe. If you know the art of connecting to our lost world which was more scientific and lost to due to some calamities like a meteorite crashing onto earth and destroyed the entire civilization and small portion of the people would have escaped and they world have started slowly and retrieving the lost scientific ideas by staying inside the wall called lab and telling the world their invention came out of nowhere.
Where is nowhere?
Nowhere is situated next up to you. And to connect, you have to show discipline in the lab type environment. The more discipline in your field, the more you connect to our lost world and retrive the development of your field and bring back to this world in an arithmetic formula for everyone to produce.
The development we foresee in this world, is nothing belonging to this current world all are retrieved from the lost world through the concept of Lab.
Every time someone got an idea to solve the unique problem. From where he would have got. The idea would have come to him out of nowhere. Nowhere is nothing but our lost world. There are some spirits that may be still alive and try to supply people who devote themselves in retrieving ideas into this world in the name of Creativity. I Believe strongly the spirit helps us to connect the lost world and supply necessary ideas to people and those people call it their invention and bag a Nobel Prize.
In this world, nothing belongs to us and every technology we use is gifted from our lost world.