The loose talk carries the contents of ‘real truth’ because it was created a minute before or it is gradually growing out of your relationship with others. And these truths jump out of your bag in the conversation and hurt them. Though, you are going to say that it was just fun but actually you really mean it and it was in your subconscious mind and now revealed to them. The opinion or anger which is submerged in you is waiting for the right occasion to jump out and tarnish their image or real truth about them. The real is, you planned unconsciously and stored it in your arsenal to hit on the right time.
In a relationship, If someone behaves badly that behaviour is also one way of ‘loose behaviour’ which they want to display to insult or hurt us. Some people reveal it while they are talking but some others by their movements.
The truth is.. The real opinion of others will be out as loose talks during a long conversation coz long conversation can touch the subconscious mind so frequently to share the hidden life of yours. You cannot be conscious throughout your conversation. The real will be out.
Do you know what is meant by real?
In Lacanian terms, It is very difficult to express the real but you can feel.. Suppose You became bankrupt due to a share market crash or someone raped you in the new place where you ventured for a job. The pain in the rape cannot be called real but the emotion behind is. because the rape can cause you lot of trouble in future. If you sit and listen to your inner reality whether such an act on you is a breach of trust by the society. You migrate to a place for a job and it is the responsibility of that state to keep you protected and you cannot protect yourself in a new place but maximum you can be careful. When some act on you OR the experience gave you a trauma called ‘The Real’ Hence the term ” Real” is an emotion which you undergo whenever you heard a word ‘Rape’ in news. The emotion you underwent will be hidden in you till to your death. The job of the psychoanalyst was only to teach you how to live with that emotion throughout your life rather than to erase it.
Now this ‘Real’ is having its branches in all forms of life. one branch is during communication your hidden will slip through your tongue. After Sigmund Freud it was called ” Freudian Slip”.
But we call it ‘Loose Talk”.