I have seen people always hold a grudge on lazy people. why? The highest form of Richness is being lazy. People always love the weekend because they can get up late and do the routine work at their convenience. The convenience is laziness and it has a richness in it.
I have seen even hardworking people take a break and make it mandatory for travelling to faraway islands in order to be lazy. Laziness will enrich the other part of the body. Have you seen ambitious people? They are more extroverted and they work and work and never think about resting them. Then what happens is either they become sick or meet with an accident and they will be resting in the hospital and practicing another kind of laziness. If you’re more extroverted and moving away from you towards your target and not resting then. If you’re more into extroverting yourself then the other part of introvert will pull you back to rest in the form of sickness or accident.
This happens to everyone, If you go to your family Doctor, by examining you he would have advised you to take rest. What does it mean? take rest or you will be in bed soon.
Lazy people are less dangerous, they never do good or bad hence they are harmless. Laziness was misunderstood with Buddha coz Buddha was sitting under the tree, he was lazy was some people’s opinion. The opinion is nothing but your thoughts, your thoughts are interference in the world. You interfere in other life and you have no right to interfere in other life unless you’re taking care of them.
Generally if you are having a thought, it means you’re interfering in your life and if you’re having thoughts on strangers it is more like unnecessarily interfering in other life’s.
Hence laziness is the right of everyone and criticizing is hypocritical..