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Affair was misunderstood as adultery. I have read that the person in affairs never mind killing their Parents, Spouse, Children's and Friends. I always had a thought whether this is a higher form of love. People in affairs can go any extent to fill their love. Why...

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Zen Koans2

Zen Koans2

A Monk asked Kegon,"How does an enlightened one return to the ordinary world?" Kegon replied, " A broken mirror never reflects again; Fallen flowers never go back to the old branches." We all are asked questions in order to show our awareness. The question always asks...

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What experience will give? Maybe more experience, The happening of experience will never lead us to a goal but only amend our previous experience. We all learned that experience never leads us to victory but only helps to comfort us from the future disastrous. Every...

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Sage is more about an awareness of emptiness than enlightenment. I have seen Sages moving very slowly because once you renounce the world, you are more into feminine than masculine. Sage means freedom, it's free you from conditioning and renouncement will be happening...

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Bhagavad Gita3

Bhagavad Gita3

O'Arjuna, "that which is unreal is non-existent; and that which is real cannot be non-existent.                                                       An individual who sees the essence of both is called a wise man.." First we should know what is unreal and...

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We know about two valued orientations like Good or Bad. Why do some people use expressions like very good, very very good. too good..etc. See word 'Good' is the expression of Good, anything other than will be inferior to Good. There is no term like very good or very...

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I was sitting in a Railway Station, a train passing through the station without stopping. The train passes through without the necessity of the present station. Sometimes we pass through our life without giving importance to certain events in order to disappear from...

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Siddhartha Gautama

Siddhartha Gautama

People always move from one end to another. We never move from left to middle to right. We swiftly move good to bad or bad to good. When Siddhartha the king never practiced meditation in the palace. He moved from king to nothing immediately. It is always easy for a...

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Bhagavad Gita2

Bhagavad Gita2

"There was never a time when I did not exist or you did not exist, or these kings did not exist;                                                                   and there will never be a time when all of us will not exist." Krishna telling Arjuna, you are only going...

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