says something mean to you in a foreign language are
you offended?
How language replaced humans in understanding. The language is convenient for communication but now language has replaced humans. We don’t like some language even though it was widely spoken. We are afraid of foreign languages because it will destroy our language. We all know, if we stop speaking in our language, our tribe will disappear. The language is an address for every tribe. If you destroy the language, you destroy that tribe.
Language is soul, our soul expressed in the form of language. People who take refuge, when they find their people, they feel blessed. why? language can make you feel the soul connected, our familiar sound from the same others. The words in our language are nothing but a link to our soul. You cannot cry in foreign language, only your mother tongue coz our souls are expressed with their familiar language to connect.
I have experienced it. If someone speaks their mother tongue without my understanding in it. It offends me coz not for their language but my inability to follow their sound of language. It is a very big punishment and we cannot move away, maybe we may move out permanently out of them.
Some languages look alien to us but carry a very high interpretation.
Take Sanskrit language
The word ‘Vedana’ used to express the feeling of the pain and also tell you the awareness of such pain.
Suppose you have a headache, Here the word ‘vedana’ means one is pain in the head and also awareness of the head in your body.
Silent communication is prior to words in our language because your community will try to communicate more with silence. The silence is a code word for the person to communicate to his tribe in expressing the basic communication to present danger. The silent nodding of the head can transmit a lot of information than the words because a communication in silence was considered sacred and the sage will say a thousand and one information obtained from cosmos through silence. Hence silence in language was very elementary to the spoken language.
In love,
Women always tell you, “If you do not understand my silence you will not understand my words”
Words are just sound never tells you what you want to say but silence many…
If you do not understand her silence. No problem, better move away from her…Why?
The origin of language in any language is silence. The silence is nothing but more like a communication between a mother and the child. The mother knows an entire silence communication of the child. In language, silence expression plays an important role in the development of the language. The expression of language in symbols and words are the sign of father in the language. Father means communication,authority, discipline and the same here the words in language should be strictly followed by grammar. Like father here Grammar rules our spoken words in our language..
When you move from silent language to spoken language there should be some (father) discipline in expression called grammar. While translating from silent to spoken, you may have a lack of expression. Hence grammar plays a vital role in expressing the expression. The development of the language from silent to spoken, written and symbols are vital because the growth is represented by the dimension seen in the language.
A single language in a country is more like a single soul, better communicated and understood. a country which is practiced by a single language is living in harmony even though there is a turmoil outside. A single language protects the country as a single force.
You have seen people who migrate to another country for survival. There is always a preference to return to their country after earning sufficient money. The reason is coming back to their country. It’s more like rejoining with a single soul with their tribe. In your mother country you speak more in silence than words are more like a bondage of mother and the child.
Hence, If you know her silence i.e. her moods. She is yours!