
Nothing happened!
Nothing has to happen in order to accommodate something to happen in future. God made something out of nothing then someone would have made nothing called Space, and it created a way for God to create something called the universe.

There is always ‘nothing happening’ around the world. If they are poor then there is no money. Now there is no money called ‘nothing’ that gives way for you to get the job. The job gets you some money to fill the ‘place of nothing’. 

Once you are born there is ‘nothing’ in you that will pave the way to education as ‘something’ to fill. Later, education will create ‘nothing’ and then you get the job. Before getting a job you are ‘nothing’, i.e. not occupied. Now the job has filled nothing as ‘something’. 

You become age, say 25, still bachelor. The bachelor is ‘nothing’ in terms of relationship and helps you to choose a girl to marry. She will fill the ‘nothing’ in the name of the wife.

Life needs ‘nothing’ in order to fill ‘something’. If you are married then law will not permit you to marry another girl. Why?
Because there is already a woman called ‘something’ in your life. Hence you cannot marry another but you are allowed, when you divorce your first wife. The movement of your first wife leaves for “nothing”. Then the ‘space of nothing’ will be replaced by your second wife as ‘something’.

Hence ‘nothing’ has to happen to fill the something you desire in future. Hence pray for nothing i.e. the place to be vacant for your desire. Once it is vacant there will be a chance to fill the vacant by desire as ‘something’!