To desire a thing has nothing to do with desired thing,
it has to do with the ‘desire’ staying underneath all desire and breeding
to-desire some more…
In simple
Suppose you are just employed, immediately before your first credit of your salary, you would have a lot of desire to buy things. If you watch closely the things you desire would have never brought satisfaction but later only to find ‘the emotion behind such desire will’.
In other words, If you fulfill all your desires from your list, still you may not be happy coz the desire will not disappear but breed some more desire. Hence once the desire enters in you, it will plague you unless you drop your desire. That’s what our Religions insist on but impossible coz even to drop ‘desire’ is also a desire.
How to reach your ‘inner core of desire’ to drop it?
Simple if you watch closely, it can be done.
How is your desire getting satisfied?
How is your desire getting quenched temporarily ?
How does your desire get prolonged one-by-one and which instrument helps?
Mostly money…Right.
it will help 90% to quench your desire and also the storage of quantum of money/ easy credit will breed to go behind the emotion of ‘desire’.
Then what? use your skill to park your money in a lock-in-period instrument and also avoid buying easy credit…
Everyone would have experienced it when they make on-line purchase. The process of selecting and buying what you desire gives immense pleasure than the arrival of the product.
This proof will define that the ‘desire’ staying behind all desires gives immense pleasure and never be quenched.