
Whispering is more to the concept of intimacy than sharing secrets.
You whisper to someone whom you love the most even though there is no one around.

Why do we whisper?
Does it enhance intimacy?
Yess! An intimate with someone requires sharing the entire confidentiality of yours and known secrets. When you want to share the known confidential fact then you are afraid of the nature of letting out of your carelessness. We should not speak secrets in daylight and during nights it should be totally avoided as the wiseman says.
If you recollect,
You would have whispered to your beloved person often because that would have enhanced intimacy unconsciously. And it is directly from your linguistic module to his/her hearing module.
We love to whisper not because the information is offendable but because of intimacy.
Suppose, If you have five friends and if you want to know who is so intimate to you, check who often whispers in your ears is the one who loves you so much!