I know a lot of women who are conscious about material things. I just made an analysis one by one. The truth was that attachment has a strong background. I know a woman who was so conscious about her car, when checked it was bought by her deceased husband only for her. He saved money by overworking in order to fulfil her desire. If you closely watch the car, it is nothing but her husband and he is still real in her eyes. The car replaced her husband and she was talking while driving the car, she laughed, cried, and made decisions while driving. Now we understood why she was so mean to her vehicle.
Another woman was so conscious about her house, when I analyzed that house as her father’s gift. The father passed away. Now, the house is playing the role of her father. She refuses to take the mortgage or sell because she believes whenever any troubles come, she can be housed in the hands of her father. She clearly states the house is my deceased father. I feel the coziness of my father’s hand wherever I stay in the house. Hence selling the house means literally going out of my father’s cozy hand.
Do you ever experience aloneness, pets trying to replace loved relationships. Yess, Your pets are your lovers, a fulfilment for craving love.
Now we all can understand why people attach to things.