Is it we believe the dead people are still watching us?
I always had a strong belief that the dead were watching us and we strongly believed that death is nothing but to leave the body from the three dimensional world to the fourth dimension world. Though we move to another dimension world we can still contact the previous three dimension world and help them. I know there is a universal practice praying to the dead to help them and they may be doing it but we never recognise it because that tends to happen to us in cause and effect mode. Once we found, an event has a cause and effect mode we feel we have done it. This is how the dead people help us not to believe too much on them rather to live our life on our own.
I strongly believe our forefathers can watch from a higher dimension of the world though they move on to a higher and higher dimension as and when they die in their respective dimension.
An understanding, we humans did not belong to this world may be visiting to understand or enjoy how the three dimension world is. See 10% of the people go on accumulating wealth or power or fame thinking they are going to stay in this three dimensional world forever…..Stupid Right.
We always feel when we are alone that someone is trying to contact us to reveal some secret but we are afraid and switch on the TV or suck into our mobile and avoid it. I still feel the problems around us are nothing but we invited it and at the same time we never listen to dead people whisper in our ears about the solutions.
Hence death is just a change of dress from a three to fourth dimension world.
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