
Weak people are not really weak
They pretend to be weak.

There was a survey by a team and they shared a few facts about weak people. In civilization there are always three sets of people: Rich, Middle and Poor. The Rich never allow the poor to escape from them but still some will escape from the clutch of rich and move on to the other slab called Middle Class. The Middle class never do any help for the poor to bail them out from the rich. 
What some Poor will do is to loot from the rich and middle class by way of working close to them. The real revenge comes from the poor in electing the rascal for the parliament. Why?

The Rascal never allow the middle class and the rich to breathe peace and these rascals sit in higher power threatening the middle class and rich to pay a kind of royalty to stay in peace. When I read the fact I was shocked these activities went unnoticed. The poor as we call them weak are really strong in keeping the future of our states. If you exploit the poor and they return it in the form of vote. The more the poor people in a locality then there is more chance of electing a criminal. Why?

The criminals are one way of gooddy Devil to them to avenge the society and hence the poor are not weak, actually they are strong in the society. They know they cannot fight directly because the police and the law are on the side of Rich and Middle class people. So, they know how to hit back. The fact is they pretend to behave like the weak and store their anger and revenge in a diplomatic way. 

Hopefully, the decision makers of the nations will take care of the poor in order to have a better democratic, otherwise the more corrupt will get elected and they create chaos in the society.
