You can’t influence a woman to love but you can display your positive character and dressing sense to her like a Peacock displays his tails to peahen. There was always a call taken by a woman towards falling in love. Suppose you are in love with a woman there is a possibility of love going unsuccessful 100%. A woman in a relationship can initiate love and that proves to be successful. It is always women who initiate love, she is deciding authority in initiating a love. Suppose If she fails to express then she will give symptoms to his male friend to initiate love. It is always a woman in a relationship and men always play a waiting role.
If you take a girlfriend to a remote park. If you want to kiss her means it will not happen 100 percent but If a woman decides to give a kiss to her boyfriend means it will happen 100 percent coz she initiates a kiss and gives a clue to go ahead to taste her lips. Hence it is she who decides not to kiss or kiss in love or in a relationship.
I have seen men enrolling in Matrimony Dotcoms for alliance. They give requests but nothing will happen. There is no acceptance from the girl side Why?
Marriage belongs to women more than men because she has to create a home and family structure. In family relationships men donate sperm and move on. Hence it is a female job to choose a right man before entering into marriage. If a woman decides to marry a man and it happens 100 times than a man decides to marry a woman. Women decide and her choice plays a dominant role in a relationship.
Finally, If you’re in a relationship, you cannot decide whether to love or marry a woman. It is only her decision that makes it successful. Hence behave like a Peacock displaying your natural character. Definitely she loves your original more than a fake and she initiates and you win.