We know our perception rules our world. What we think ‘right’ will always be wrong to others. Our perception has a pattern of our own priorities, faith and belief. We always miss other perceptions, we still believe our perception is really matching 100% with others. In reality others try to tolerate our perception and move on.
The awareness of Right is telling you that you’re not perfect. Why in the beginning the purpose of ‘right’ arises in your mind coz you have an iota of doubts that you are wrong. Immediately your ego releases a thought that you’re right. When you are doing an universal act in helping others or not, will not release guilt to think that you’re not wrong. If any act brings guilt and the thought of ” I’m Right” means you did a wrong thing from other perceptions.
What is Guilt?
It is an art of moving into other shoes, seeing you and come back with an opinion about you and merge. While merging you have a feel that makes you feel the real truth about you.
I’m Wrong?
What if you think you’re wrong at the party and behave badly to one of your friends and rudely walk off then actually “You’re Right” Why?
The wrong act was conceived in your mind long back and waiting for the opportunity to give a fitting reply. The time has come you gave a punch. Okay, that may be rude but your friend deserves it. Hence, what you think is wrong always be right.
Anything which never created a Guilt in you was Right and
Anything which made you to feel “I’m Right’ is Wrong.