We never adjust but we do trade off in relationships especially in marriage. There are so many factors to be factored without giving a price. Someone pays a heavy price and the other one will just take it for granted, We never adjust actually we give leverage to hold a relationship. There is always exploitation or abuse in relationships. Why? That’s how it is tested.
A spouse has to do some bad thing or to stand in awkward pose for sex. Both need to be exploited and abused to reach a stage called a relationship. There is no relationship without abuse, hence if someone abuses you in a relationship is some way to see how much you tolerate him in the relationship. We give a lot of words to tolerance like adjusting but actually there is no adjusting in adjust coz we knew it before, that we are going to experience such kind of abuse in a relationship.
People who are the sole working members should not reveal the truth to their colleagues. Why?
People around you will be exploiting you for the truth. They know the job is the only source to take care of your family, hence you will be abused left and right. The abuse you intake you call it adjusting to the environment. The more you let your truth to others the more you should adjust hence never reveal your truth to others. Always make them guess about you and that is a way you will not be touched by the world.
Adjust walks in whenever you let out the weak truth, say you love someone more than you. If you tell him, he will take you for granted and abuse you. If you hold him at a distance where he cannot know your truth then he will be yours for your life. Never ever you use the word “I’m adjusting”,
You are adjusting because you are weak.