I met my old friend after 11 years at his residence. I too stayed in that colony but moved off before 12 years. The beauty, we felt there is no change in our behaviour towards each other. Something never aged in our friendship. Yess! body a bit, we were able to bring those things happened between us 12years before as it happened yesterday. What was amazing is we are able to recollect those old events that happened between us like sharing the memory. Something is stable in us and we can’t figure out what it is..
I started to do research by reading one dozen books about how we were able to bring back the memory which was not available in my memory till yesterday. I learned our memory is never stored in our brains; it is in the Zero point field. The place where we all are connected,
There was research to find where our memory stored in which part of the brain. They taught the rat to run into the maze to find its food and it has to jump in some place in the maze. It was trained for a few weeks and scientists started to destroy its brain part by part but the rat was still able to do the process without the help of the brain. Finally its total brain was damaged but the rat was still able to reach the food without much puzzle. Hence the memory is not in our brain and may be in the morphic field. Here our brain acts as a receiver or retriver from the field in the form of thinking.
On that day, me and my friend slowly went on to our younger age and we started to play and behaved how we behaved 12years back and we started to chase each other with so much energy actually we never felt till yesterday. My friend took me 12years back. Amazingly we were 12years younger both inside and outside.
The experience of feeling younger inside, also makes us think the body is older but the soul is ever younger. The feeling of being younger is when I was with him and once I departed, I felt I’m old and back to the present energy level. Even I tried to bring back that energy bit i failed and I could strongly felt it was only with him,
It’s interesting being a human…