Once the Lockout of covid-19 got lifted, I went to the sea shore. I just sat and watched for a few minutes and then closed my eyes. I was able to bring the entire sea into my mind. First, the sea was outside and now the sea was inside my mind. How come the world lives outside and inside of me. Is the world living inside of all of us and at the same time we live outside of the world?
It’s more like the same photon exist in different places. We are nothing but the world and also separate from the world. Living outside the universe is an illusion, actually the universe lives inside of us.
Once I was waiting in the Restaurant. My friend brought his girlfriend and her friend. The whole episode was whenever he spoke to his girlfriend, the girlfriend friend was keenly watching his movement and his gesture to give an opinion to her friend later. After they left.
I told my friend that his girlfriend’s friend was watching him closely as if she was his girlfriend.
My friend asked for my suggestion. I told him, “Love your girlfriend but when it comes to marriage, marry her friend because she understood you more than your girlfriend..”
The shape of our body rests on our dress rather than the physical shape. Suppose if you have a good dress designer they can bring you best in shape with padding inside your dress rather going to the Gym and failing in reducing the shape of your body. The celebrities look as if they are maintaining perfect shape. Actually It is their dress that misrepresents us rather than their real shape. Find out the best designer rather than wasting time in workouts..
Life always looks strange to me,
when I’m alone..