If you watch carefully, the birth of humans was not perfect. There are so many things attached to the birth of a person. Basically some people carry a weak DNA and society allows them to reproduce in the form of marriage but in the animal kingdom the weaker never get a chance to copulate.
You see what man made factory production. It has eliminated the above defect through planning. All the items produced have standardization irrespective of buyers. That is the great part of man thinking, producing standardized products for every citizen.
Why did they die early when we really wanted them? How death takes us into depression. Most of the death by disease and accident is not an act of voluntary. There is also voluntary act, people prefer to take suicide rather than living a horrible life. We never understood what we want inside of us. Our motto was to take care by inventing things outside and forgot to take care inside of every man.
The loss came to us as surprised. We know why this happened to me and not to my neighbour and not to blame Karma. We never know how to live well. You enter into your new wedded life you find some strange behavior going on in-laws house. You never know how they live with certain behaviour which is difficult to tolerate. We slowly understand we never know how to live and we all live as it comes but keep it within yourself and never show it outside and we pretend to behave as if nothing odd happens inside our family.
When people die of disease, normally we think the body was not perfect hence the soul moved out of that body. It is better for them to die rather than living in a painful house. Death comes naturally or by accident you never know the meaning of death but disease teaches you the meaning of life. You know you’re going to die soon hence you really start living your life.
It is how you see your life in terms of disease or a beloved died in an accident or a calm death of ageing. A lesson to be learned to accept someone’s death and move-on.
There is never a loss
If you believe there is no afterlife. you will soon join them in future.
If you believe there is an afterlife, do not worry they would choose another body and happily live..